Monday, August 3, 2009

Indy Who?

I've gotten a lot of questions lately about Indy. Apparently since I haven't taken her to any trials recently, there might be some concern that she has been driven out into the country and dumped (presumably with other agility rejects?). I'm KIDDING. Indy is fine! She is enjoying a lazy summer filled with sunbathing and afternoon naps. We haven't gone to any trials, because there really hasn't been any to go to. I'm thinking we might make one in early September, but in the meantime she seems to be content with taking the summer off, with a little bit of backyard agility time here and there.

I'm sure that it seems like now that Peyton is actually doing well that there's just no time for Indy, but that's not the case. The truth is that Indy is just a different dog - she seems to benefit from time off (which I think most dogs probably do) and tends to be just a wee bit particular when it comes to training time. One or two runs are fine, but after that she's pretty much done. I know she loves going to trials, but doesn't usually have the same enthusiasm for class. And that's fine with goal is just to keep the princess happy. :)

On the other hand, Peyton has spent the past few weeks moping and I'm sure is wondering what he's done to deserve this "break". We've done a little bit of table work in the backyard, but that's about it. He loves going to class and I'm sure he'll be thrilled to go back tomorrow night - weather permitting!

Because I've been neglecting all of the spotties when it comes to taking pictures of them, here is a random picture of Kermit, one of our resident tree frogs. :)


Jan said...

CUTE!!!! My favorite animals. He is SO fat; what you feeding him????

Achieve1dream said...

Kermit is sooo cute! I saw one of his cousins the other day while cleaning out the horse trailer LOL!

Kim said...

Looks kinda like a beer belly to me! :)