Sunday, August 23, 2009

Weave Pole Survey

I'm guessing many of my agility friends have already seen this, but if you haven't, please take a moment and participate in this quick 3 question survey regarding weave pole spacing in USDAA.

A little background...while most US agility venues (AKC, NADAC, CPE) have made the move to allow 24" spacing, USDAA won't budge from their current requirement of 20"-21". Why? I don't know, but I've heard that the organization is *very* slow when it comes to change, even when those changes could potentially benefit their canine participants.

Participants such as Peyton, whose legs go in all directions while weaving...

Even though I don't trial trial that often in USDAA, I would love to see all venues make the switch to 24" weave poles. I'd also love to see everyone using rubberized contacts and displaceable tires, but that's another subject. Oh, and Peyton would like to vote for removal of the table - he thinks it's very unsafe. :)

To learn more about the benefits of 24" spacing, take a look at this article on Clean Run's magazine forum. Oh, and for a humorous take on the great debate, you might want to check out Team Small Dog's explanation.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

WOW! his legs really do go in all directions! Steeler is with Peyton on the table issue - but really I need a spot to catch up!!!!!