Friday, December 18, 2009

And the Winner is...

Comment #18 - Jenn! But wait, I announced earlier this week on Facebook that I was going to hire Jenn as our official vote-for-Peyton campaign manager. So I think that probably now makes her an insider and therefore her cookie winning might not be viewed as playing within the rules of my contest that I posted no rules for. So sorry Jenn, no cookies for you.


Since this is my contest and my (apparent lack of) rules, and since I would hate to be viewed as someone who would award cookies only to her campaign manager, I decided to pick another number via for some more cookie goodness.

So the second winner is comment #12 - Nicole!

Jenn and Nicole, please send me your mailing address and I will get your yummy prizes ordered ASAP - you can e-mail me at agilespots(at) And for the record, I counted down from the top of the comments and only used the ones that included a number of votes.

We would like to thank everyone for their votes! Peyton is currently in 3rd place with 405 votes and although the contest doesn't end until 12/26, it's been a lot of fun watching all of the votes come in this week - you guys are AWESOME. So if you feel like you're get voting withdrawals, you can still vote all next week! And if you like playing the cookie contest game, you can still play on my Facebook fan page (there is a link on the sidebar) - I'll be giving away another bag of cookies sometime next week.

Peyton really wanted to send his favorite cookies to everyone who voted, but unfortunately I had to remind him that he does not have a job and being cute doesn't make cookies fall from the sky. :) So Paula, we'll have to have a special cookie break at the trial in a few weeks and for everyone else, you are more than welcome to join us. Doesn't a trip down to Florida sound like fun!?


Achieve1dream said...

I'll keep voting! :)

Lisa said...

We'll still be voting in the coming week. Holiday Spotties Rule!!!!

Jenn said...

woohoooo! Cookies! We'll keep voting as well!

Nicole said...

Yeah, Thanks for the cookies! I will keep voting too!