Sunday, February 14, 2010

Spotty Love

The spotties send Valentine's Day wishes to all of their friends!

Indy, as usual, is less than amused..."stoopid Hallmark holiday - bleh."

Peyton gives his "I'm the saddest, most unloved, spotty dog on the planet" looks...

And Pongo cracks me up with his airplane ears. With his skinny little face, he reminds me of a mouse these days...a very cute little mouse, of course.


D.K. Wall said...

Love the Spotty Love. Happy Valentines Day.

Sherri said...

Here's a MESS of SPOTTY KISSES coming your way.


Lisa said...

Awww, we'd take any of these sweeties to be our Valentine! Great photos!

Achieve1dream said...

Cute pictures! I love those little valentine candy pillows.

Kim said...

Thanks all! Love-love my spotty valentines!