Obviously I've know for a while that the time was coming, but I don't think anything could have prepared me for how difficult this would be. It just seems so wrong to wake up and not see his face every morning.
Pongo was my original spotty. He was with me through so many life changing moments - college, graduation, my first real job, an apartment fire, a few heartbreaks, my move to Florida, etc., etc. Aside from my parents, he's been the only living reminder here of my life back in Indy. Of course, I still have so many wonderful memories, but I can't help but to feel like such an important chapter of my life has suddenly ended.
Peyton and Indy seem to be doing just fine...they probably knew what was happening before I did. I find it very ironic that Pongo passed on the date I officially named as Peyton's birthday. A part of me wonders if it was a gentle little reminder that he was and would always be the very first. And of course, I will think of him every time I write down that date on Peyton's trial entries. :)
I know in my heart that he is in a better place and free from the old, tired body that slowed him down over the past few years. I can picture him running on an endless beach and stopping to mark on every single chair in sight. Despite my objections, he loved to do that...although I was mortified the one time someone was actually sitting in one of those chairs...oops! I also hope that he has an endless supply of bread, pizza, and toilet paper (just a few of his favorites)...without ever feeling full nor hungry.
One of these days I'll be able do a proper tribute to my special boy. But in the meantime, thank you again for thinking of us.
I'm blubbering like a baby. I'm so sorry he's gone. I dread the day when I'll have to say goodbye to Storm. I can't even imagine what you're going through. I'm glad the other two are doing okay though. Hugs.
Your heart aches like no words can explain. The two of you grew up together. He is free of pain and his old body. He had wonderful last days because of you. You let him choose when to go and he blessed you by making that decision for you. You will always be glad you did it that way. My heart knows what it feels like to lose our best friends of the canine fashion.
A fitting tribute to a special friend! I miss the 9:00 walks and the happy grin he had for me eveyday. Love you allways Pongo!
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