Friday, May 27, 2011

No More Thinking!

Not too much exciting to report around here! Peyton has been in an especially good mood lately. We haven't been doing a ton of training, but he has been working so nice and happy. I was just thinking this week about how happy he's been and the fact that we haven't had any odd issues and sure enough that same evening, goofy Peyton returned. During class, Peyton decided to run his a-frame and when I stopped to fuss at him, I must have leaned down while he jumped up and I accidently (barely) poked him near his eye. Of course he screamed and proceed to trot around with his tail between his legs acting like he had been beaten. He recovered enough to have some decent runs, but he was definitely suspicious. See, that's what I get for thinking! Poor Peyton. We have a local trial tomorrow and Monday so we'll see if he remembers. If he remembers anything, hopefully it is to stop on his contacts. ;)

As for Derby, he seems to be 100% so we've pretty much resumed normal activity. Hopefully he stays sound...I don't think *I* can take any more extended crate rest! After such a long break, we're trying to get back in the swing of training and of course, during the break his hormones decided to kick into gear. Sooo...return of the brainless puppy. Fabulous. :)

On a good note, he loves his weekly swimming sessions at the Golden pool! While he probably won't make any canine Olympic swimming team, he is doing really good. I've included some recent video - it's probably not very exciting to anyone but me, but having a dog that enjoys playing in a pool is still a novelty to me. And of course, he is soooo stinkin' cute!

Peyton joined us during a night swimming party and while he had a grand time running around the pool, I would be very surprised if he ever decided to get in. Derby figured out pretty quickly that if he kept his toys in the water, they were safe. :)

Since I'm playing catch up, here are a few pictures from last week. I had to test my lights and the spotties are always good subjects.

Peyton is *the* biggest camera hog! He is always happy to play model and was not very happy that Derby was in *his* picture...

And just for fun... :)

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend!


Holly Diane said...

What fantastic pictures! the dogs totally look like they pose for the pictures.

Many years ago I bred dalmations..they are just so sweet!

Lisa said...

Awesome video! Maybe if Derby doesn't make the Olympic swim team, he has a shot at the Olympic dive team! I love the way he just jumps right in. Wish we had access to a Golden pool!

Great photos of the boys. Such handsome spotties!

Sherri said...

I LOVE catching up on your comments....we have so many of the same issues and it makes me laugh. The photos are HILARIOUS and I could just replace MY spotties in them and it is EXACTLY the same!! See...we really ARE related!!

Kim said...

Thanks all!

Sherri, I find it hard to believe that your sweet and innocent girls could be anything other than sweet and innocent. Surely nothing like my rotten monster boys! ;)

Sherri said...

A few days with Sydney might have you singing a different tune....

Kim said...

LOL! Derby says to send her on down, please. :)

Ch. Highgate's Storm Tracker CGN said...

To bad you live in Florida I would love for you to take pictures of my Spotties!

Kim said...

I would love to! I guess I need to win the lottery (that I don't play) so I can take one big road trip and photograph all of our spotty friends. :)

jan said...

Poor Sophie; that spotty just stole her toy!!! What a sweetie she was about it. Was that a golden's ball in Derby's mouth??????

Ch. Highgate's Storm Tracker CGN said...

Well if you ever need a crash pad in Canada, Victoria to be exact I have a spare room & lots of dog space for spottie friends! The more spotties the better fun fun!

Ch. Highgate's Storm Tracker CGN said...

Well if you ever do travel thru Canada, Victoria to be exact, I have a spare room and loads of dog space your more the door is always open to spottie friends!

Hooray for Dally fun!

Kim said...

Ahhh that would be so much fun! :)

Branson said...

Great pictures!!! Just found your blog, will keep reading! My mom is really getting into photography, so she will enjoy your photo blog!
Branson the Great Dane

Kim said...

Thanks Branson! :)

Achieve1dream said...

Oh my goodness those pictures are so awesome!! Wow! Your dogs are so beautiful.

I loved the swimming video. He was having a fantastic time. :D