Saturday, October 3, 2009


We had a long, but fun day at the USDAA trial!

Our first run with pairs - I was kind of expecting a comical run, but Peyton had no issues running after Riley. Actually, they both did great and we qualified with 1st place.

Next was team gamblers - I had a plan that was good in theory, but I didn't take into account how far behind I would be on the first line. Poor Peyton didn't know where to go and I got a little flustered, but otherwise it was a decent run and he did get the gamble. I'm really bad when it comes to thinking on my feet...that's why I tend to like courses with numbers so there's a plan I have to try and follow. :) I included some of our startline routine in the video...boing! boing! boing! Is that a Dalmatian or a rabbit out there?

Then we had standard - we had some nice moments, but I caused an off-course in the middle. Peyton seemed a little *extra* high during this run - he blew past the weaves and hopped off the table...although his down was pretty darn good.

Next was team standard - this was kind of a tough course for us. I lost him at the opening - I'm not sure what happened, but he seemed a little distracted. We had a few call-offs during this run (which I hate doing) and finished with one refusal - not too bad, considering. For some reason Peyton also decided that he was going to have running contacts...maybe he thought he could do a better job handling this course without me. :)

I think Jumpers was next - A fun, fast course. We had a refusal (I was behind and giving too many forward cues), but still qualified with first place.

Finally was team snooker - I have to start by saying that I am not a snooker fan. Prior to today, my record on a snooker run (with Indy) was probably about 2 seconds before we took an off-course and got whistled off. Today we actually managed to qualify with a first place...but I still hate snooker! I think my problem is that I can be terribly indecisive by nature. When I walked the course I had a couple of options in mind, but just couldn't make a decision. I really didn't make up my mind until right before we ran (note: we were the last dog to run) - and all of that thinking managed to give me a giant headache! The opening of this run was not at all pretty...I knew that I was going to be behind and again, Peyton had no idea where to go. Luckily, we were able to work it out, but I felt bad that I had to resort to screaming "come". We could really use a startline stay about would make life so much easier!

So that's our day 1 report - Lisa and I are currently in 2nd place in the versatility pairs tourney. I think we have a jumpers run in the morning that will determine if we can play in the final pairs run and/or qualify. Still not exactly sure how that works, but I guess we'll find out. :)


Achieve1dream said...

Wow Peyton sure knows how to fly through those weave poles. :) I think you did great! I know there were mistakes but nobody is perfect and it looks like you had fun, except for the headache of course. I have no clue what snookers even is lol.

Scout and Freyja said...

There is nothing as wonderful as agility or fly ball or obedience and watching the relationship between a dog and his or her person. Sometimes it even makes tears come into our momma's eyes☺