Sunday, March 7, 2010

Friday Trial

We had an AKC trial on Friday and even though it was a NQ day, Peyton ran very well! We started with Standard and the opening was really tough for us, but after several extra jumps, the rest of the run was lovely. Only two 24" dogs and one 20" dog qualified on this course so we weren't alone. Peyton held all of his contacts and he let me get a nice lead out on the table. Good spotty!

The JWW course also had a tricky opening, but by the time we ran I wasn't feeling great and didn't do much in the way of handling so we had a couple of off-courses. Peyton didn't seem to mind though and he had his usual fun time. :)

Yesterday I spent the afternoon helping to get our club equipment ready for our upcoming trial. By the time we were done, I was sore, looking very lobster-ish, and sporting chunks of yellow paint in my hair. Nice! Today I feel like I got ran over by a truck. I always forget that painting can be quite the workout!

I briefly introduced Peyton and Indy to our new peanut therapy ball last night. Peyton thinks it might be one of the coolest new games's going to take some work on my part to learn how to manage the bouncing spotty on the bouncing ball, but I think it's going to be a great workout for him (or rather for both of us?). And Indy managed to shock me with her eagerness to interact with the ball. She's not a fan of moving objects, but she was happy to put her front feet on the ball and hopefully with time, she'll be comfortable hopping on.

It's been a very busy weekend and the rest of March is looking about the same. Lot's of fun stuff planned, but not much down time. I'm thinking April might need to be a recovery month!


Lisa said...

BEAUTIFUL contacts and a nice table. Lots of good qualities about these runs! We have a busy March, too...agility the next two weekends and rally the last weekend. Things settle down in April and heat up again (literally, I hope) in May, starting with the spotties' beach vacation!

Good luck in your busy month of March. Can't wait to see peyton's runs!

Kim said...

Thanks, Lisa! Is it bad that I think a beach vacation sounds lovely and yet I live so close to beautiful beaches that I never take the time to go to?? :)

Sherri said...

Kim, Could you show pictures of the peanut ball? I'm intrigued.

Kim said...

Certainly...will post some soon!