Sunday, October 31, 2010


I think Peyton and Indy win the award for lamest Halloween costume this year. At least they have a (kinda) costume, right? I think that's more than last year. And I really didn't plan on dressing them up (overstatement) and taking pictures, but then I remembered I picked these up a while back and thought we should at least try to be good sports.

Peyton was going to be the devil and Indy the witch, but I thought Peyton made a better witch and was way too happy to be a devil.

Indy has the devil act down, but she makes a pretty convincing witch too. :) (Note the tear in her left eyebrow...Peyton thinks Halloween masks make fun tug toys.)

Happy Halloween...ish!


Lisa said...

Happy Halloween-ish!! I thought Peyton and Indy looked great in their costumes. You're right, though...Peyton was just a little too happy to be wearing that devil's mask ;) Even Indy looks like she had some fun trying on those masks! Very cute!!

Unknown said...

They both look great!! Too bad they didn't get any treats?????

Sherri said...

Kim, These just totally CRACK ME UP!!