As for Peyton...some good, some bad, but overall pretty inconsistent. We actually did much better on the jumpers courses, which is unusual. He just missed qualifying on Saturday by one stinkin' bar. One bar! My fault, of course.
I'm thinking that we might not be trialing again until the fall, which is kind of a bummer. I still feel like in order to really make progress we need to trial more frequently, but it just gets so expensive...and time consuming. So maybe a long break is in order. I feel like this season we've just not found a rhythm with training/ definitely something to work on.
The AKC Agility Nationals are this weekend in Virginia. I have several friends competing this year and I really wish I could be there! Not necessary to compete (although that would be nice *one* of these days)...I just enjoy watching really good agility (and rooting for friends, of course!). I'm settling for facebook updates and so far they've been pretty good. :)
DCA Nationals are at the end of the month and I was really hoping to make it this year, but unfortunately that's not going to happen either. I am looking forward to updates from all my friends though (hint, hint!). We *will* make it sometime in the next few years, providing it's not too far away.
Derby pup is doing great - next post will be a training update. In the meantime, here are a few (old) pictures.
He is so adorable it is unbelieveable!
He is so adorable!!
That's too bad about missing the Nationals and about not getting to trial this summer, but I think money is tight for everyone. Enjoy the break though. Competing can be so stressful. A break may be just what you need. :)
I can't wait to read the Derby update.
Way to go, Indy! You go, those boys how it's done!
Sorry to hear you won't make it to Nationals. There's nothing we'd like better than to be able to meet up with you and the spottys sometime. Send us all your good thoughts for our Road Trial, Rally, Obedience, and Agility adventures. We'll be sure to keep you posted!
Thanks guys!
Lisa, some day we *will* get together!! I will be sending every good thought I have to you and the girls...I can't wait to hear how it goes (I know you'll all do awesome, but I want pictures and videos!!) :)
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