Friday, September 23, 2011


We did it...our first double Q! Gee, maybe we should take 4 months off more often. :)

We had a great time at the SOTC trial last weekend - some really fun runs and good times with friends we haven't seen in awhile. Saturday was our QQ day - although I wasn't thrilled with our runs, I was super happy with Peyton. In standard, I *almost* missed my walkthrough and while I wasn't exactly sure where we were going, Peyton did a great job of sticking with me and we finished 1st in a large 24" class! Our JWW run had me a little worried (I don't think I've ever seen him so pokey), but again, we managed to be clean with a 2nd place.

I don't know if he was just tired, or hot, or maybe half asleep, but it was a really long day and I'm guessing that he was pretty much toast at that point. Even though he's in good shape, I think we tend to forget how physically and mentally stressful trials can be, especially after a relatively lazy summer. In any case, I would much rather have my happy speedy spotty, but I can't complain - he was trying so hard.

Even though we weren't "clean", I thought our runs on Sunday were much more fun! Peyton was awesome, even though I was suffering from a bad case of over-handling. I really need to do a better job of reading my dog and trusting him when he's actually running well and paying attention. :) Obnoxious handler! BUT - we did have a little bit of a start-line stay in JWW that I was pretty proud of. I think I'm going to start playing with them a bit more this season in trials.

SO SO proud of my best spotty dog! :)


Anonymous said...

He was awesome!! You were good too!

Lisa said...

Woo-hoo! MACH Peyton, here we come!! Nice job and great runs. What a pleasure to see you two running again. Keep up the good work!

Ch. Highgate's Storm Tracker CGN said...

Awesome! Congratulations!!!

Achieve1dream said...

That's great! Congrats!