Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekend Smiles

The spotties and I had a great weekend! On Friday evening we took Indy to the dog beach at Ft. Desoto and she had a BLAST. I think these pictures pretty much say it all...

Ah, these images make me *SMILE*. I just love seeing her so happy! :)

On Sunday evening Peyton got to come with me out to the club where I photographed his best friends, Riley and Finn. He wasn't very happy about hanging out in the car while the Goldens modeled, but he did have a great time playing with them when we were done.

Peyton says Goldens taste like chicken...yum!


And finally, a Golden sandwich!

Pongo didn't get to go anywhere fun this weekend, but he did get some marshmallow bunnies for Easter, which he loves. And all three spotties were spared the humiliation of posing with bunny ears this year...lucky them!

We hope all of our friends had a great weekend!


Elizabeth Bergesen said...

Wonder photos, and yes Goldens do taste like chicken... wait what?!?

Elizabeth & Luna

Lisa said...

Talk about a 1,000-watt smile...Indy's got that and more!! You can't help but grin along with her. Of course, if someone took me to the beach, I'd have a smile on my face, too :)

Love the pics of Peyton and the Goldens, particularly the "Golden Sandwich"! Gorgeous picture. Must be something about Goldens and Dals. Tess and Jazz have Golden "cousins," and they have a blast playing together.

I have to agree with Pongo about the marshmallow bunnies. I was in a dollar store and they had them and I hadn't had marshmallow bunnies in many, many years, so for a buck, I bought a pack. Yum! Glad Pongo enjoyed his Easter treat.

Kim said...

Note to Luna: if mom looks really hungry...RUN! :)

Lisa, if you were closer I'd take you to the beach too!

D.K. Wall said...

Laughing - Indy that is some wide smile you got going there!

Achieve1dream said...

Indy is such a gorgeous girl!! Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up. I have over 200 blog posts in my Google Reader and I just can't seem to get them read. :)

Girl Tornado said...

Awww, what great pictures Kim... love the last one, they are beautiful together! :)