I was recently asked if I had any advice for someone who is interested in getting a Dalmatian someday and would like to give agility a try. I'm a little late on my reply (sorry!), but I thought I'd share my thoughts.
It probably goes without saying that I think Dalmatians, in general, are great candidates for agility. They are very athletic dogs known for their (sometimes endless amounts of) energy and endurance. As many dogs do, they certainly benefit from having a job and a positive outlet for all that spotty enthusiasm! I've only worked with a few agility Dals personally, but have watched a number of others over the years and am happy to share my observations.
When it comes to picking a dog with a performance career in mind, it's my honest option that temperament is probably one of the most important considerations, along with structure. As much as I love Peyton, and wouldn't trade him for anything (most days!), he has quite a bit of genetic baggage, as one of my trainers would say. When choosing the Derby pup, temperament was at the very top of my list. I honestly couldn't even tell you if there are any top performance dogs in his lines as that's just not something *I* really consider all that important.
While I do think there is a lot of value in selecting a pup from an experienced, reputable breeder who can help find a good match in terms of temperament, structure, and personality, there are certainly some great rescued Dals out there competing too! If I were looking for a performance candidate specifically, I would probably look for a dog (with those qualities) that's at least a year old, but that's just based on my personal experiences only. I love puppies, but they certainly can be unpredictable.
As far as training goes, while there really aren't any issues that are *unique* to Dalmatians, I have found that many Dals share similar challenges.
I thinks the breed, in general, can be deceptively soft. I say deceptively because I think the average observer sees their high energy and fun loving personalities and will often mistake training issues and signs of stress for stubbornness or even stupidity. I'm sure that most people who watch Peyton run in a trial have no idea that he's very capable of melting into a puddle of spots (so to speak) if he feels like he's done something wrong.
Not that their sensitive nature is a bad thing, but it's definitely something to keep in mind when training. Training has to be *fun* for both dog and handler, and I think building confidence is more important than doing everything perfectly. This can be a hard concept for a lot of handlers (myself included!) to grasp, especially when first starting out, but I think it pays off in the long run.
Dals are clowns and boy dals in particular can be especially silly and verrrrrry slow to mature. A sense of humor is a *requirement*, and I'm pretty sure my boys think their number one job is to keep me entertained. :) I have found that it's much easier to work with their instincts rather against them. Resources such a Control Unleashed (books and DVDs) are invaluable for those struggling with various control/reactivity/training issues.
Probably the best training advice I can give is to find a really good (positive!) trainer (or school) that you're comfortable working with. I've been fortunate to work with some really amazing trainers, but I've definitely met a few that made me want to run in the opposite direction...quickly!
Those are my off-the-top-of-my-head rambling thoughts! Now my Dal friends, it's *your* turn - have any advice to offer? Please leave a comment!
Since no post is complete without pictures, here are some of Peyton from a recent trial...love them ears!

In other news, we have a winner in our shampoo giveaway! Suzanne, please send me an e-mail (to agiliespots(at)aol.com) with your address.
Also, for my Honest Kitchen fans, I've uploaded new coupons! Just click on the Honest Kitchen logo on the right hand side of the page. And if you are in the Sarasota/Bradenton area, I'm happy to report that Holistic for Pets is now carrying several varieties in their stores!
Kim, your advice was "spot on"! I think the most important thing to be aware of is that Dals are VERY soft to train. Everything must be fun and positive. While Tess is very energetic and charismatic, she is SOFT! If I even raise my voice, Jazz melts into that puddle of spots you were describing (I can't even watch hockey on TV anymore). That said, Dals are intelligent, fun dogs to train and I wouldn't trade my two spotties for the smartest, fastest dog in the world :)
Thanks, Lisa! Love your girls...and I have to admit, I find hockey scary too. :)
Softness is a definate issue here, as well. We started out by training straight obedience and got our CD relatively easily. In training for OPEN we started to struggle with "Why would you call me to *come* then yell at me when I am half-way there?" She was NOT enjoying obedience and NOT having fun. So, to build confidence we started Rally. Wendy excelled at Rally and we got our RAE in 10 straight trials. SHE THRIVES ON THE VERBAL PRAISE!! She lives to please me ( and eat, another world-famous spotty trait). I think she would enjoy agility, too, because it seems alot less anal than obedience.
That's funny....all my girls LOVE hockey!!
I've never competed in obedience (well, unless you count my 4-H days), but I think if and when I decide to give it a try, the lack of verbal praise will be the most difficult. I enjoy training obedience stuff, but the trials just don't seem like a whole lot of fun to me. We'll see. :)
You girls and your hockey. Oh my. :)
If I were you I would start the Derby pup in Rally.
Wendy also has a separation issue and she once got NQed for whining. I just didn't have the heart to keep training out-of-sight sits and downs. She would be too worried. Why stress a dog out like that?
That's probably a good idea...and a good decision on your part.
And I can't blame her for being worried...if you were my momma, I *might* miss you too. ;)
I'll add my 2 cents even if it is a bit late. :-) Logan my almost 13 year old was definitely very soft. She had fun in agility but could never do anything wrong or she just melted. She HATED any kind of obedience training. She might like it better now that I know a lot more about training.
Steeler my "puppy" is almost five. And I didn't really think that he was soft like Logan - but he is! He likes obedience training and agility, but again really needs things to be happy and upbeat. He is really sensitive to my stress level. I am not sure if we will ever really compete in obedience, but we love APDT Rally where you can actually bring food in the ring!
Kim - LOVE the picture of Peyton coming out of the tunnel!!!
Ah, Jenn...always late to the party! :)
Thanks for sharing!
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